Energy Products

Solar Products
ABES Solar provides low and middle income home owners with new solar packages and information that would ensure substantial energy savings for clients.
ABES Solar will also provide customized solar packages for our industrial customers
Biomass Energy
Biomass fuel refers to anything that can either burn or decompose. Bio energy technologies use renewable organic resources, called biomass, to produce many energy related products including electricity, liquid, solid and gaseous fuels, heat, chemicals and other materials. Biomass fuels have a huge potential in Ghana due to the rising costs of fossil fuels.

Wind Energy
Wind energy is the process of converting wind to generate mechanical power or electricity. Though not a reliable resource for every household and business, it is a viable option, depending on your location. Visit ABES to discover about the advantages and disadvantages of wind energy and see if it will be an asset for your energy needs
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Solar Energy Technology
Requirements for Solar Energy System
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USADF Project coming to an End
US AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT (usadf) PROJECT has endedThe USADF project has successfully come to an end. Its aim was to deploy our innovative locally manufactured PicoABES (PicoABES- Totally off Grid Solution for Island Communities) and a solar-powered cold storage and ICT...